Air Quality in Commercial Real Estate

Why Monitor Air Quality in Office Buildings?

Investment in air quality has demonstrated increased employee productivity, performance, along with several monetary benefits for grant & tax incentives and reduced healthcare costs. Air quality monitoring is also a vital component for your building to receive LEED and WELL certifications. An investment in air quality has the potential for significant financial returns while ensuring health and safety for all is a priority.


Reduce transmission risk of COVID-19 and other airborne viruses

Inadequate temperature and humidity levels allow viruses to permeate longer in the air, as well as weaken the immune system’s ability to defend against them. 

Similarly, research demonstrates the direct correlation between COVID-19 mortality rates and heightened levels of particulate matter, which are small particles of dust, dirt, smoke, or liquid droplets that can infect the lungs and or get into the bloodstream, resulting in worsened breathing, asthma, heart attacks, and potentially long-term health consequences. 

Finally, COVID-19 and other airborne viruses are more easily transmitted in poorly ventilated areas, which can be indicated by CO2 levels.


Increase productivity

Indoor air quality also has short-term effects that influence productivity and cognitive performance during work hours. Research shows that high levels of pollutants like particulate matter, CO2, and O3 can cause fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headaches, and other inflammations and irritations. These side effects significantly hinder employee productivity.

A Harvard University study estimates that companies complying with WHO standards will see a $6,500 per employee, per year increase in productivity.


Decrease healthcare costs

Air quality is one of the most influencing factors towards an individual's overall health. Having reliable metrics and references on how businesses are taking efforts to maintain good air quality and maintain their employee’s long-term health has become of increasing interest to healthcare providers. Our reports can be sent directly to your healthcare provider, oftentimes reducing employee premiums.


ESG Initiatives

Businesses that commit to sustainability and ESG initiatives open their doors to various grants, tax incentives, and other financial benefits. In addition, companies that satisfy ESG goals tend to be more profitable.